How do you Make Good?

The way you live tells a story. A story about who you are. What you value.

In recent years, two narratives have begun to dominate the national maker movement.

  1. The rich hire the cool & the talented to make things for other rich, talented, and cool types.
  2. The talented make neat toys to amuse themselves.

Nothing essentially wrong with these narratives. They’re just one-sided. And a little boring.

We believe there’s a different story that needs to be told. We want everyone to get in on the maker movement. The act of creation is too powerful to remain only in the hands of the rich and talented.

We are a group of makers with a specific purpose: Using our talents and the power of shared creation to help other makers write a better story for their lives. We are an all-volunteer maker consultancy, more about doing good with others than for others, collaborating with makers from every Nashville neighborhood to make real products and create more makers.

If our mission doesn’t speak to you right now, no hard feelings. Find another group that suits your needs and get involved.

But if it does, read the full Make Good Nashville manifesto and sign up to collaborate with us.

Together we are writing a better story for our city.